Subsidies are easy to roll in but difficult to roll back.
The vexed issue of tackling subsidies comes to the fore in difficult times and
hence this topic assumes importance in a low oil price situation. According to
IMF estimates, GCC countries will spend roughly USD 60 billion on energy
subsidies in 2015. While subsidies are offered under various categories, the
major one is always energy subsidies. Very high amounts of energy subsidies in the
GCC have led to wasteful consumption, which is reflected in the high per capita
burden of these subsidies.
This issue is a topic of importance not only to the GCC, but
also to the wider MENA region. Arab countries spend nearly 7.2% of their GDP on
energy subsidies (pre-tax), while the comparative figure for advanced economies
is just 0.03% and about 0.9% for emerging markets. Hence, the scale of
subsidies is relatively too large to ignore. Also, given the high subsidy rate
in the GCC (averaging nearly 70 to 80% of the cost), it often promotes wasteful
consumption and encourages energy intensive industries rather than labor
intensive industries.
Before we tread the subject of how to reduce the impact of
subsidies, it is important to understand the context of subsidies in the GCC
vis-a-vis other Arab countries. In the GCC, subsidy is a form of “wealth
distribution,” while in other Arab countries it is more a form of support to
poor people as a poverty alleviation tool. Therefore in the context of the GCC,
where subsidy is more of a wealth distribution mechanism, the factor of
demography plays an important role. In economies like the UAE, where expats are
super dominant as a share of total population, the role of “wealth
distribution” takes a back seat while that may not be the case in other GCC
economies where the share of expats is more or less balanced.
Hence, it is no wonder that UAE recently launched the bold
initiative of ending the energy subsidies. In July 2015, the UAE announced
linking gasoline and diesel prices to global oil markets staring August 2015.
It became the first country in the GCC to remove transport fuel subsidies. The
move is expected to result in a savings of about $7 billion for the UAE. Given
the large expat population (of over 90%), the burden of such roll back on
nationals can be minimal. Hence, we must not assume that all other GCC
countries will also follow a similar path.
While the intention behind energy subsidies is to relieve
the burden on the poor, such an argument may not be valid for the GCC given the
high per capita income and the classification of the GCC as rich rather than
poor. It is important to note that in the context of other Arab countries, though
subsidies are directed to help the poor, it is often the rich that benefits
from them.
What steps should the GCC take now?
It is not a question of “If”, but rather a question of “how”
to reduce subsidies and gradually lessen its impact on the fiscal situation.
The following can be proposed as ways to tackle this this vexing situation.
1. Find alternative methods
to distribute wealth: Since in the context of the GCC, subsidies are more
of a “wealth distribution” mechanism than a “poverty alleviation” mechanism, it
may be a good idea to come up with alternative methods of wealth distribution
and replace such methods gradually over time to reduce the burden of subsidies.
Direct cash transfer is being proposed by some scholars as an example of this
route. The main advantage of such an idea is that it shifts the burden of
rational decision making from the State to individuals and families directly.
2. Introduce innovative strategies:
GCC states can think of introducing various concepts surrounding the subsidies
rather than a strait jacket approach of providing the service almost free of
cost. The concept of “Tiered subsidies” linked to consumption (low price up to a
certain point and high price thereafter) can reduce wasteful consumption.
“Smart subsidies” can link subsidies to certain KPIs like national employment
or training new graduates. The idea of “Targeted subsidies” can also be tried when
promoting certain sectors (say SMEs) becomes more important and therefore can
be linked to subsidies provided. Innovation in subsidies can produce better
3. Aim for efficiency in
production: The subsidy burden is simply the difference between price and
cost of production. While the suggestions in introducing innovative strategies
can work on the price side, it may also be a good idea to focus on how to
reduce the cost of production by improving the efficiency of the production of
energy. Development of alternative sources of energy fits nicely into such a
scheme of thing.
4. Launch effective
communication: The factor of high subsidies in the present time can disproportionally
increase the burden onto future generations. An effective communications
strategy that explains the long-term burden of high subsidies and how it crowds
out investment in infrastructure can go a long way in gaining support forthe
idea that subsidies should be reduced over the long term.