It’s that time of year
again when market oracles debate what the coming year has in store. Economists
and analysts are often criticised—with good reason—for inaccurate forecasting.
In their defence, developing forecasts is difficult and riddled with challenges,
especially in the GCC region, which is hostage to the volatile oil price. In
addition many regional stock markets, are relatively new with little historical
information available to perform rigorous statistical analysis. Economic data also
comes with a time lag. This is further compounded as GCC stocks have only started
receiving analyst’s coverage recently and therefore do not enjoy as much
analyst’s attention as other emerging markets or developed markets. Following an earlier article in the
Financial Times (FTfm supplement) Stephen Horan, CFA, and M.R. Raghu, president
of CFA Kuwait discuss the role and challenges of forecasting in portfolio
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What is the role of
forecasting in portfolio management?
Formulating capital market expectations is the foundation of
any sensible asset allocation strategy. We often equate forecasting with
predicting future returns on asset classes, sectors, and individual securities.
Importantly, however, portfolio management also requires managers to have a
view on future volatility and correlations.
Moreover, we often think of forecasts in annual terms,
especially at this time of year. Developing capital market expectations,
however, is done in the context of the investor’s time horizon. In most
situations, this requirement implies forecasting well beyond one year. Some of
the challenges in making forecasts concern choosing relevant forecasting
methods, properly interpreting historical data, overcoming behavioural biases,
and managing the impact of forecast errors.
What are some common forecasting methods?
Ideal forecasting methods vary by asset class, but most
forecasts have some connection with the past, to which analysts make a series
of adjustments. A long historical sample period has the advantage of more
statistical robustness but also runs the risk of introducing obsolete or
irrelevant data. Statistical techniques allow analysts to place more weight on
recent observations, de-emphasise or overemphasise extreme events, and capture
the tendency of volatility to cluster over time.
Other forecasting techniques include adding appropriate risk
premiums to the current risk-free rate, imputing the expected return implied by
a discounted cash flow model or a portfolio optimisation model, and deriving
financial market estimates from macroeconomic forecasts.
What are some
data-related challenges in developing forecasts?
The timeliness and reliability of historical data are often
questionable. For example, the International Monetary Fund sometimes reports
macroeconomic data for developing countries with a lag of two years or more.
Documents recently released by WikiLeaks reinforced the belief that some
Chinese economic data may be “man-made.”
Hedge fund returns are notoriously plagued by survivorship
bias, which is the inflation of average returns caused by the exclusion of
failed funds from databases. Returns on real estate investments suffer from
infrequent market valuations, which may not affect long-run return forecasts
but which substantially reduces volatility estimates.
What are some of the
behavioural challenges?
As human beings, we are vulnerable to several psychological
traps when making predictions. We tend to think that the future will look like
the recent past and naively extrapolate our most recent experiences into the
future or over-emphasise experiences that have left a strong impression. We
also tend to anchor our forecasts to our first impressions, over-emphasise
low-probability events, and place greater weight on information that confirms
rather than contradicts our pre-existing beliefs.
Most people are generally comfortable running with the herd.
In making earnings projections, equity analysts (particularly those with little
experience) often develop forecasts that are “in line” with other analysts’
forecasts. Finally, we tend to emphasise anecdotes and subjective personal
experience over objective empirical data.
What are the
implications of incorrect forecasts?
The impact of forecasting errors on portfolio construction depends on several factors. For example, if two asset classes have similar expected returns and variances, small changes in the inputs will lead to relatively large changes in optimisers’ outputs because the two asset classes are otherwise so similar. Optimizers will significantly over-allocate to those assets with either overestimated returns or underestimated variances.
Do these differences
lead to large performance differences?
Interestingly, these types of misallocations have a
relatively modest effect on the portfolio's exposure to loss because the two
asset classes are such close substitutes. Forecasting errors among dissimilar assets
have an even smaller effect on asset allocation, which highlights the need to
carefully define distinct assets in an asset allocation framework. Errors in
estimating correlations have even less impact than errors in estimating
expected returns.
What are the
implications for portfolio management?
Although developing accurate forecasts is difficult work, we
should not abandon the practice because it promotes insight and discipline.
Furthermore, modest errors yield only modest differences in a portfolio
optimisation context.
That said, analysts and portfolio managers are well-advised
to avoid placing undue confidence in their forecasts and the models that use
them. Most models assume that the expected returns, volatilities, correlations,
and other inputs are known with certainty. In fact, they are only estimates of
true values, and most traditional models do not fully incorporate this
forecasting uncertainty. Therefore, be cautious and perhaps make conservative
adjustments when interpreting a model’s outputs.
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